Drawing on Lansdowne: An Arts-Based Economic Development Plan for the Borough
In the spring of 2018 a team of graduate students, working in collaboration with the Lansdowne Arts Board and the Lansdowne Economic Development Corporation, completed two years' work on a proposed arts-based economic development plan for Lansdowne Borough. Phase one of the project produced preliminary findings: demographic trends in the Borough, the political landscape, and best practices for creative placemaking. Based on those findings, as well as additional research, interviews, and community meetings, the final product is a proposed arts-based economic development plan. The proposed plan leverages Lansdowne’s existing cultural and creative assets, highlights creative placemaking strategies and best practices found to be successful in similar communities, and provides guiding principles for future planning efforts in arts-based development. Click here read the full report, Drawing on Lansdowne. |
20*20 HOUSE Gallery
20 Lansdowne Court, Lansdowne PA 19050
LansdowneArts (at) gmail.com
20 Lansdowne Court, Lansdowne PA 19050
LansdowneArts (at) gmail.com
Lansdowne Arts Board Original Plan from 2013